
Monday, June 16, 2014

Cool Ass Cinema Book Reviews: Horror-SciFi Reference Guide Updated Edition!


By David Elroy Goldweber

671 pages; softcover; no photos; updated edition 2014

Extended to an even heftier 671 pages with nearly 100 new entries, Claws and Saucers has grown considerably in size; much like one of the atomic era creatures in a 1950s monster movie. Everything is the same as before, just bigger. 

Rarely seen obscurities (some deservedly so) share page space with familiar favorites both foreign and domestic in what amounts to an impressive effort, and likely the biggest genre movie guide on Earth. The lack of flashy, glossy images may be a deal breaker for some, but devout genre fans will find a substitute in honest opinion and viewpoints from a true fan of horror, science fiction, and fantasy.

One of the most unique attributes of Goldweber's guide is its accompanying website and Facebook page where assorted updates and new entries can be found. In this way, the author has went that proverbial extra mile in making his mountainous tome as complete as humanly possible. Compared with other movie guides, Goldweber shows an unusual amount of dedication for his subject that stands out among his contemporaries, and those who've come before him.

I reviewed that first edition back in March of 2012. That recommendation applies here, too. If you missed out on the first edition, this second printing attacks book shelves this summer with a tentative release date of June 21st. The updated Kindle version has been available since March of 2014. 

It's heavy, but it's one for the shelves.