
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Famous Monsters Memories: Five Times the Fright!

This edition of Famous Monsters Memories contains five creep-tastic covers from the famed and fanged monster magazine. Above is the cover for issue #86 which bears the iconic image of Peter Cushing's head on a platter of splatter from my favorite of all the Amicus anthologies, THE HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD (1970). Click the blood red title for the review!

Famed make up artist Don Post 'preserves Peter Lorre'. Click the pic to read the text in larger format.

Famous Monsters back cover advertisement.

Rare shots of innovative stop motion king Willis O'Brien at work building dinosaurs

Promo for Toho's SON OF GODZILLA (1967), a series entry that averted theaters here and went straight to television instead. It was a nice change of pace switching the action to an island in the Pacific as well as depicting Godzilla as a parent surrounded by giant praying mantis's and one enormous spider god.

The cover for issue #87 shows off THE SHE CREATURE (1956)

Check out the real Tor Johnson in the middle surrounded by his fabulous faces of fear.

Barnabas Collins lurks somewhere within the HOUSE, but stayed out of the NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS (1971), the sequel to HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970). Since this sequel lacked the famous vampire from the DARK SHADOWS TV series and first film, it was summarily burned at the box office stake.

For all you Tulip Tippers out there, get a gander at Tiny Tim from his Drac Attack appearance on the old TV show, LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE (1971).

The Famous painted covers of Famous Monsters soon yielded actual shots from the films themselves. This is one of them from issue #89 featuring a shot of Zandor Vorkov, the unintentional comedy relief Dracula from Al Adamson's crap classic DRACULA VS. FRANKENSTEIN (1971).

Time for some cheesecake straight from the FORBIDDEN PLANET with this photo of Anne Francis with electric pal Robbie the Robot.

A British horror picture that brings together the titanic terror triumvirate of Price, Cushing and Lee. Sadly, all three never get the chance to share the screen together. That would have to wait for THE HOUSE OF THE LONG SHADOWS (1983).

Lou Wagner, Lucius in PLANET OF THE APES gets a trim by that damn dirty human, John Chambers while catching up on some reading.

Famous Monsters back cover advertisement

And finally, Boris Karloff and fiend enjoy a smoke behind the scenes of one of the monstrous maestro's fright films.



  1. When I first looked at that Vampirella ad, I read "Plastic Booby Kit."

    Either one works equally well, I suppose. :D

  2. A wonderful post Brian...I love THE HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD. I've been hammering on about this one for years. The best horror anthology film ever made in my view. I also love the SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN cover/poster image. One of Amicus' most challenging, offbeat, and overtly political of films.

  3. @ Steve: That's a unique way to look at it, Steve! I've not seen one before, actually...boobies, yes; Vampirella model kit, no.:D

    @ Shaun: HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD was my first experience with the Amicus anthologies followed by TALES FROM THE CRYPT. I've always had great affection for HOUSE. Wonderful movie. I remember very little about SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN. I should watch it again. The only part I recall is the guy who keeps waking up in the hospital bed missing his limbs.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. WOW WOW WOW, incredible post! Love the pics from Lucius, Tiny Tim & Karloff.
    Very well done Mr. Bankston :)

  6. Hey, thanks a lot, Harry. Glad you liked the post!
