The 'Nam template was perfect for this kind of film especially since folks at home were seeing the war unravel before their eyes on television; at least the portions of it the media wanted you to see. When those who managed to come home did so, they weren't met with open arms and respect. They were either spit on, or frowned upon. These brave soldiers came home "dead" inside bringing a "disease" back with them; a sickness that hindered them going back to normality upon their reintegration with society. These vets shared a common solidarity with their biker brethren and this is sometimes a focal point in these movies, but predominantly it's a highly exploitable plot point. Then there's the hippies.

Hippies were essentially drifters prone to protests (especially the war in 'Nam) and those that weren't rebellious kids from rich families were vagabonds who thought everybody else should take care of them. When they weren't smoking weed and spreading their dogma of 'Make Love, Not War', they were spreading free love and various venereal diseases during what became known as 'The Summer of Love' in 1967.

Like the hippies, bikers were of a similar nomadic order, although they tended to take care of themselves and didn't give a shit about those outside of their circle. In these movies, there's definitely hippie hoggers, such as the bewilderingly bizarre, beyond obscure J.C. (1972) about the one and only Jesus Christ (no shit) coming back to Earth as a (bad actor) biker and leading a drug fueled crusade against "the establishment", or the supreme, the elite governing body in control. It's an awful film, but straddles the line between unintentional hilarity and avant garde. Racial disharmony is also addressed here and some goofily orated speeches by Jesus combined with an almost Mansonesque conviction.

Vietnam Vets, as well as bikers, were often discriminated against for their dress and chosen profession. This sort of discrimination still goes on today. For those who didn't serve, those who fought and died maintained a great deal of respect from bikers, not to mention that the most famous order of biker clubs, the Hell's Angels, exploded sometime after WW2.
In the movies, when the vets returned home, they are either angry, or desire to fit back in with the life they left behind and frequently this involved riding their chopper cross country and getting into trouble along the way. These were sometimes the most interesting even if the films didn't always explore the full potential of the inner turmoil felt by war veterans.

Here he stars as Oli, a disturbed Vietnam veteran who's recently returned home to his farm and not only must cope with trying to reintegrate himself in society, but also deal with a gang of sadistic carnival biker thugs led by BLACK SAMSON's Rockne Tarkington. This gang (included among them is trash cinema cult fave Sid Haig!) of cutthroats goes about terrorizing Oli's hometown and having had enough, Oli finally snaps and strikes back with the help of some of his war buddies.
Bearing quite a bit in common with the huge box office success of WALKING TALL (1973), the biker conventions with their Vietnam backdrop and pseudo hippie machinations are clearly in evidence. Steve Sandor, an incredibly photogenic, and decent actor, never went as far as he should have whether in exploitation or mainstream cinema. He had only a few roles of some significance. Among these were as an ex-con biker wacko in THE ONLY WAY HOME (1972), the gullible private detective who falls for Tiffany Bolling in BONNIE'S KIDS (1973) and also the lead hero in Cirio H. Santiago's post nuke flick STRYKER (1983).

Lead star Tom Stern was also among the tough guy cast in Andrew McLaglen's war picture, THE DEVIL'S BRIGADE (1968). He also co-starred with biker flick colleague Jeremy (HELL'S BELLES [1969]) Slate in the hugely enjoyable and entertaining biker picture, HELL'S ANGELS '69 (1969) which concerned two criminals wishing to rob Caesar's Palace in Vegas. They join a biker gang and use them to unwittingly act as cover while they rob the casino. The Hell's Angels realize they've been duped and go after the two brothers in what amounts to a heist caper wrapped around Biker genre conventions.

It also features a diverse cast including Motown's first white songstress, Connie Van Dyke, whom you may remember as Dixie in the Burt Reynolds country croonin' road movie W.W. & THE DIXIE DANCEKINGS (1975). Steve Sandor, in a supporting role, plays Apache, one of the Hell's Angels. Character actor, G.D. Spradlin, who plays the sheriff here, directed Sandor in the LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT styled killer biker movie THE ONLY WAY HOME in 1972. The Oakland Hell's Angels are also among the main cast of HELLS ANGELS '69. The films promotional materials heavily promoted the Hell's Angels being the stars of the movie.
While the war raging in 'Nam was the focal point of Tom Stern's character in ANGELS FROM HELL, returning home an embittered, unhinged man, the next movie used the war as the basis for its story and even managed some political subtext amidst all the flying fists, bodies and bullets.

Jack Starrett both directed and plays the captured, and unscrupulous government advisor our gang are assigned to rescue. While Starrett is obviously interested in escapism, the script by Alan Caillou (KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS) manages to balance the action and rowdy, uncouth behavior with some timely, yet blatant political themes. The explosive finale makes it worthwhile and Starrett consistently showed he had a great eye for shooting action sequences. He was one of the best directors of low budget Drive In fare during the 1970s and was a pretty good actor to boot.

Robert Fuller is Phil, having finished his tour in 'Nam, he returns home with the body of his friend, Lenny, who happens to be black. Lenny's last dying wish is for Phil to find his biker buddy, Big Red (an Indian), and sign over his prized chopper, "Baby", to him. A side story involves Lenny's white girlfriend, Sheryl (played by THE WILD RIDERS Sherry Bain). It's this section of the film that ultimately takes up the bulk of the screen time as Phil and Sheryl get closer to one another. Meanwhile, a rival gang led by Grady (played by frequent exploitation stalwart William Bonner) want both the girl and the tricked out bike for themselves.

CHROME & HOT LEATHER (1971) is yet another biker film that uses the war in 'Nam to set its story in motion. This time, it's a soldier who comes home only to find that his girlfriend has been killed in a highway accident caused by a gang of bikers. He gets a few of his war buddies together and they form their own gang and go after The Wizards, led by T.J.; yet another juicy role played to devilish perfection by William Smith. As usual, Smith outshines everybody else in the cast including lead Tony Young, who barely registers a pulse. Probably the best thing about CHROME & HOT LEATHER is its cast. There's a gaggle of exploitation and pop culture greats on hand here.


Hippies and bikers, as well as the drug culture, were often engulfed in a cinematic menage a trois. Both sides worked together in the above mentioned ANGEL UNCHAINED (1970) and in the biker psychedelia of FREE GRASS (1969) wherein Russ Tamblyn attempts to smuggle marijuana across the border via motorcycles. Top 40

Bill Brame, who directed Bruce Dern and Kasem again (as a white slaver!) in THE CYCLE SAVAGES (1969), handled this one. Music king Kasem must have been fascinated with the biker genre as he featured in a few of them and almost always as a villain of the most despicable sort. He had a minor biker role in THE GLORY STOMPERS (1968), and after playing drug kingpins and running white slave rings, he finally got to play the leader of a cycle gang in WILD WHEELS (1969) where he and his motorcycle maniacs battled for the beach against a bunch of surfers on dune buggies! Seriously. And now, the Biker King approacheth.
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