Jet Jaguar is the Greatest Toho Character EVER... Wait, Come Back!
By Daniel XIII
Let me get this right out of the way, I possess an opinion so unpopular among Godzilla fans I’m surprised that I haven’t been dragged to the town square and branded with a giant “G” on my cheek like some sort of kaiju lovin’ Hester Prynne (well I don’t “love” the kaiju quite like big H “loved” that priest, but you catch my drift). So, what is the heinous, unfathomable, dare I say traitorous, preference that your ol’ pal The Ouija Board Kid Daniel XIII harbors? Why it’s none other than the fact that I think Jet Jaguar is the single best character to ever have come from those mad geniuses at Toho (which was kinda given away by the title of this thing, but maybe you can pretend you didn’t read it or something).
And, there go 90% of Cool Ass Cinema’s
Well, to the 5
of you that are either too drunk to click the little “X” that
will close this blasphemous text or those that are staring at the
soft glow of your monitor like slack jawed gawkers at the site of a
particularly gnarly car wreck, let’s talk a little bit about why I
think Double J is such a cool cat.

And while the screenwriters gave ol’
Jet the qualities of the super-father figure, his aesthetic design is
pure childhood wonder as well, and the reason he hits those notes
perfectly is that he was actually conceived by a child. As part of a
competition to generate a new hero to capitalize on some of that
sweet, sweet Ultraman cash, Toho decided to let the fan-base (i.e.
some young kids) conceptualize their new hero. From the fiery ashes
of that heated battle came the award winning creation of an
elementary school student/design god/hit with the ladies (implied,
but c’mon you know to this day he uses the ol’ “Want to see my
magically growing robot?” line which has to be a real chick magnet)
Red Arone (though I’ve seen that spelled Red Alone as
well…either way that name doesn’t really possess the Rock n’
Roll tanginess of what they eventually rechristened the ‘bot); a
robot that was seemingly the result of putting Ultraman, Mazinger and
a few Crayola crayons in a blender (though judging by the name
perhaps only the red crayon was used originally…or maybe that “R”
and “L” switcheroo happened here as well and the character’s
name was actually Led Arone, which would make him metal as all
hell…wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the kid
creating Jet Jaguar…).

So with all of that taken into
consideration, it’s easy to see why Jet Jaguar struck a chord not
only with a young creep like myself, but with my entire coffin club
o’ fiends n’ ghouls. And I’d wager, deep down in that
coal-black, cynical lump of sarcastic spite you call a heart you dig
Jet and his pals too, and hopefully someday you’ll be able to
proclaim that admiration without fear of rebuttal from your fellow
Godzilla fanatics! Or maybe you actually do hate him, either way you
read this whole thing so I WIN! Now, someday if you’re lucky I’ll
tell you why the Smog Monster is freakin’ killer as well!
The self proclaimed Ouija Board Kid, Daniel XIII is the result of an
arcane ritual involving a bowl of Count Chocula, stag films, and a stack
of Son of Satan comics. Ol' XIII is a staff writer for both The
Retroist and Photon City News, as well as the sexy and talented author
of bat-shit crazy horror novella THE HOUSE OF THIRTEEN DOORS.
Well said, well said, my friend. Preach it!
Any naysayers about GODZILLA vs MEGALON are just way, way out of touch with their own childhoods.
Thank you Sampoerna!It's great to know that some one else has impeccable taste, and can still connect with what made childhood so awesome!
Great post! Old JJ and that giant cockroach bastard will always be a Thanksgiving staple for me.
Thanks Professor, and the aroma of turkey to this day sends me back across the gentle waves of nostalgia to those Godzilla and Kong marathons on WWOR!
GODZILLA VS MEGALON was always my favorite of the Showa-era Godzilla films. Having grown up in the 1970s seeing imported reruns of ULTRAMAN, JOHNNY SOKKO'S FLYING ROBOT, THE SPACE GIANTS and SPECTERMAN on week days after school, I realize that I was somewhat more primed to appreciate a giant robot character like Jet Jaguar more so than some of my contemporaries who revile this film. Thanks for this fun read!
Somehow I missed your comment on this St. Paco...I'm so glad you enjoyed the article!!!
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