Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat
Directed by Oren Peli
The Short Version: Extremely simplistic, yet infinitely effective movie that takes place in and around a spacious suburban home. This first film, currently the biggest moneymaking picture of all time (versus the amount of money spent on it), has so far garnered three sequels; two of which were equally successful. Peli's series rarely deviates from what he establishes here with the big house and characters with a video camera fetish. This creepy little film is unique among those that take place in a single location. It is just as successful at keeping the "found footage" sub genre alive and delivering some genuine scares as it was at making millions of dollars several years ago.
A young couple having recently moved into a new home encounter increasingly sinister visitations by a spiritual entity that is soon revealed to be a demonic presence. Capturing all the creepy altercations on camera, the paranormal activity increases becoming more and more dangerous with each passing night.
It's a modest, occasionally effective little spooker that I found mostly overrated the first time around. THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999) gave me goosebumps that Peli's movie failed to generate at the time. Seeing it again now, there's a great deal of tension built up leading to some great 'Boo' moments that are undeniably better when experienced on a big screen.
What's most interesting about this series is going back and seeing details that are touched upon and expanded in the so far two released sequels. The second takes place concurrent with this one and the third is a prequel that sets up what will happen to the characters headlining the first two films.
The increased budget does little to hinder the other entries, but the beyond modest amount spent on PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is a testament to its success in both what ended up on screen, and behind it. It's also a success in style over substance easily racking up skin-crawling moments of fear with little required aside from a loud noise, or a swinging chandelier. These movies are mostly stripped of cinematic peripheries and the lack of a substantial budget no doubt adds to the foreboding ambiance.
At its core, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY expertly utilizes the "Found Footage" aesthetic and integrates it within an AMITYVILLE HORROR (1979) template. Only in Peli's film, it will do the couple no good to "get out."
It took me two viewings to appreciate it, but it's definitely among the best of this genre. The succeeding films would do little to tamper with the formula aside from adding to the mix. By the end of the third picture, there's a hint of something more terrible than the murderous demon terrorizing the protagonists. Prior to that, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY made the most of $15,000 to generate big scares on a small budget leading to its ultimate, gloomy finality seen in its now infamous last shot.
This review is representative of the Paramount DVD.
Totally agree with you on this one man, I've enjoyed all three of these movies and I'm currently looking forward to seeing number four. The first one borrowed from Amytiville Horror, I agree, the third one had a bit of The Shinning in it, actually a lot of The Shinning...but I'm looking forward to the unfolding of the tale they hint at broader things...looking forward to part III!
Awesome review for one of the coolest and creepiest found footage flicks. I'm a total fan of the PA franchise and love the first 3 parts equally, that's why I'm already excited as fuck for the 4th part.
There's also an unofficial Japanese sequel which is pretty ok, and an Asylum rip-off which is just crap :)
All of the films are scary, but this one was probably the scariest for me just because I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I saw this on the 3rd night of being open. It's freaky as hell and that ending still gets me every time. Can't wait to see what they do with the 4th. Good review.
@ Fran: I'm liking them too. I am just afraid they're going to ruin the series by explaining too much.
@ Harry: I def liked the first one a lot better the second time around. Really good on all fronts. I won't be doing the others, just the official series.
@ dtmmr: They all gave me goosebumps, but the second probably more out of the three so far. Thanks for stopping by, dtmmr!
Well, to be honest, the films have kept that sense of mystery and dread all through out the whole series, I thought part III was actually pretty decent.
For me, part three began to show signs of strain towards the end. And now with the upcoming fourth movie, it's getting to the point where every detail is likely going to be explained and before long, we'll get a visual of what the demonic force looks like. I think when some things are left unknown, it retains a certain degree of fear, imo.
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